Pediatric Formula "Little Treasures" by Giovanni Maciocia
Aversion to cold, shivers, fever (or forehead hot to the touch), sore throat, swollen throat, swollen tonsils.
Classical antecedent: Yin Qiao San
Pattern: Invasion of external Wind-Heat at the Wei Level.
Da Qing Ye Folium Isatidis seu Baphicacanthi
Jin Yin Hua Flos Lonicerae japonicae
Lian Qiao Fructus Forsythiae
Jing Jie Herba Schizonepetae
Bo He Herba Menthae haplocalycis
Fang Feng Radix Saposhnikoviae
Chai Hu Radix BupleuriSang Ye Folium Mori
Shan Dou Gen Radix Sophorae subprostratae
Huang Qin Radix Scutellariae
Niu Bang Zi Fructus Arctii
Jie Geng Radix Platycodi
Gan Cao Radix Glycyrrhizae uralensis
Da Zao Fructus Jujubae
Action: Release the Exterior, expel Wind-Heat, benefit the throat.
Caution and contraindications: All the herbs in this remedy are cold in nature
How to take:
Package: 30 grams of granules (includes measuring spoon)