Water Passages

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Unit Price 32.65

Classical antecedent: Zhi Bo Di Huang Wan Anemarrhena-Phellodendron-Rehmannia Pill.


Frequency of urination, difficult urination, urgency of urination, burning on urination, hypogastric pain, backache, dizziness, tinnitus, tiredness, feeling of bearing down.


Indications in Chinese Medicine:

Patterns: Damp-Heat in the Bladder, Kidney deficiency, sinking of Qi.
Actions: resolve Dampness and clear Heat from the Bladder, tonify the Kidneys, lift Qi.

Cautions and contraindications: Contraindicated in pregnancy. 




Zhi Mu Radix Anemarrhenae
Huang Bo Cortex Phellodendri
Shu Di Huang Radix Rehmanniae preparata
Shan Yao Rhizoma Discoreae
Shan Zhu Yu Fructus Corni
Mu Dan Pi Cortex Moutan
Fu Ling Poria
Ze Xie Rhizoma Alismatis
Che Qian Zi Semen Plantaginis
Qu Mai Herba Dianthi
Bian Xu Herba Polygoni avicularis
Bi Xie Rhizoma Dioscoreae hypoglaucae
Yi Yi Ren Semen Coicis
Huang Qi Radix Astragali
Chai Hu Radix Bupleuri
Gan Cao Radix Glycyrrhizae uralensis
Bai Shao Radix Paeoniae alba
Tu Si Zi Semen Cuscutae
Ze Lan Herba Lycopi


Dosage: 2 tablets x 2 times a day

Bottle: 60 tablets x 500mg concentration ratio of 7:1

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