Ankle Ointment - Blue Poppy

Unit price: 38.95
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Indications: sprained ankles

This ointment was created by Zhou Guo-jun et al. at the Guanzhou Qian Southeast Autonomous Region Chinese Medical Hospital. Published research has shown this ointment to be 99% effective within three days for the treatment of sprained ankle when treatment was initiated in the first 48 hours after injury and when combined with acupressure.

Actions: clears heat, quickens the blood, dispels stasis, frees the flow of the network vessels, relaxes sinews, and stops pain

Pure vegetable oils; Beeswax; Da Huang (Radix Et hizoma Rhei); Ze Lan (Gerba Lycopi Lucidi); Di Long (Pheretima); Zhi Zi (Fructius Gardeniae); Er Cha (Acacia Catechu); Ru Xiang (Olibanum); Bing Pian (Borneolum)

Dosage:     Apply to the affected area and fix with a dressing. Change daily. For best results, keep the affected limb elevated. For external use only.

Package: 56 gr.

Unit price 30.65
Unit price 35.95
Unit price 35.95
Unit price 38.95