Blue Poppy Jade Herbal Pediatric Formulas External Use Three Treasures Women's TreasureFormulas by Energetics
Five Mushroom Formula, our flagship medicinal mushroom product, is made of 100% mushroom extracts; no simple mycelium powders or fillers have been added. The hot-water mushroom extracts are as concentrated as it is possible to manufacture while maintaining the “wholeness” of the substance. This is our best-selling formula, used primarily by practitioners as a tonification therapy for patients with serious health challenges. It can however also be used for patients who frequently suffer common colds.
Indications: Influenza, colds, gastroenteritis, peptic ulcer, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, colitis, food poisoning...
Glycyrrhizae: properties which facilitate the removal of mucus in upper respiratory tract, healing properties of gastric ulcers and reduces gastric secretions...