Searching Soul

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Unit Price 32.65


Depression, lack of sense of direction, mental confusion, confusion about one's goals, relationship problems, dependance on other people, over-protectiveness, indecision, lack of will-power, sadness, timidity.


Indications in Chinese Medicine:

Pattern: Kidney-Yang deficiency, Liver-Blood deficiency, Qi stagnation, Ethereal Soul not "going enough".
Action: tonify Kidney-Yang, nourish Liver-Blood, stimulate the Ethereal Soul, strengthen Will-Power.

Tongue: Pale.
Pulse: Choppy or weak.




Ren Shen Radix Ginseng 
Huang Qi Radix Astragali 
Dang Gui Radix Angelicae sinensis 
Shou Wu Radix Polygoni multiflori preparata 
Long Yan Rou Arillus Longan 
Yuan Zhi Radix Polygalae 
He Huan Pi Cortex Albiziae 
Yu Jin Radix Curcumae
Mei Gui Hua Flos Rosae rugosae
Qing Pi Pericarpium Citri reticulatae viride 
Du Zhong Cortex Eucommiae ulmoidis 
Fo Shou Fructus Citri sarcodactylis 
Xu Duan Radix Dipsaci 
Zhi Gan Cao Radix Glycyrrhizae Uralensis Preparata 
Da Zao Fructus Jujubae 
Fu Xiao Mai Fructus Tritici levis



Dosage: 2 tablets x 2 times a day

Bottle: 60 tablets x 500mg concentration ratio of 7:1

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