
List price:39.95
Unit price: 33.95
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Indications : Irregular menstruation, Infertility, Abdominal fullness and distention, Weakness, Spontaneous sweating, Dyspnoea, Red and white vaginal...

Unit price: 24.65
Sold Out
Indications : Mastitis, breast abscesses. Description:    This formula is from Wang Jin-quan and Cai Yu-hua\'s Nu Bing Wai Zhi Liang...

List price:39.95
Unit price: 33.95
- 15%
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Indications : Uterine blood stasis manifesting as endometriosis, dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, postpartum retention of lochia, ovarian cysts, fallopian tube...

List price:55.95
Unit price: 49.95
- 11%
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120 capsules x 5000mg. from Blue Poppy Classics Indications: Uterine blood stasis manifesting as endometriosis, dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea,...

List price:55.95
Unit price: 49.95
- 11%
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Indications: Qi stagnation and blood stasis primarily below the diaphragm (i.e., in the epigastrium) manifesting as abdominal distention and pain,...

Unit price: 37.95
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Western Uses: Raynaud syndrome Gastritis Peptic Ulcer Cholecystitis Cholelithiasis Hepatitis Intestinal Obstruction Mastitis Breast...

Unit price: 37.95
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Western Uses: Bacillary dysentery, Delirium, Dysuria, Encephalitis, Epistaxis, Furuncles, Hematemesis, High fever, Insomnia, Irritability, Jaundice,...

List price:55.95
Unit price: 49.95
- 11%
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120 capsules x 5000mg. from Blue Poppy Classics Indications: Blood vacuity manifesting as dysmenorrhea, irregular menstruation, uterine...

List price:55.95
Unit price: 49.95
- 11%
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120 capsules x 5000mg. from Blue Poppy Classics Indications: Blood stasis manifesting as irregular menstruation, dysmenorrhea, uterine myomas,...

Unit price: 17.74
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Indications: chronic circulatory diseases, varicose veins,  arteriosclerosis and chronic arthritis, irregular menstruation, abdominal distension,...

Unit price: 32.95
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Classical antecedent: Ge Xia Zhu Yu Tang (Decoction for Eliminating Stasis below the Diaphragm). Indications: Lower abdominal pain which...

Unit price: 32.95
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Classical antecedent: Wen Dan Tang Warming the Gall-Bladder Decoction Indications: Premenstrual tension, irritability, anxiety, agitation,...

Unit price: 32.95
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Classical antecedent: Gui Zhi Fu Ling Tang Indications: Abdominal masses, painful periods, heavy periods.   Indications in...

Unit price: 32.95
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Classical antecedent: Bu Shen Gu Chong Wan Tonifying the Kidneys and Consolidating the Penetrating Vessel Pill. Indications: Recurrent...

Unit price: 32.95
In stock
Classical antecedent: Zuo Gui Wan (Restoring the Left [Kidney] Pill). Indications: Dizziness, tinnitus, sore back and legs, night-sweating, dry...