Jade Herbal

JADE HERBAL products are safe and easy to use. The formulas are based on well-known traditional herbal combinations and have been specially adapted to our Western way of life.

Presented in 500mg tablets, with a concentration of 5: 1, which means that each tablet is equivalent to 2500mg.

The dosage is variable depending on the condition to be treated, as a general dose we advise 2 - 3 tablets, 2 times a day.

List price:39.95
Unit price: 33.95
- 15%
In stock
Indications : Fatigue, Chronic Fatigue, depression, dizziness, loss of appetite, muscle pain and mild fatigue, poor memory and concentration, prolapse of...

List price:36.95
Unit price: 29.95
- 19%
In stock
Indications : - Supports as part of a slimming diet. Contributes to loss of weight, tempers the feeling of hunger, regulates the appetite, aborts only...

List price:35.95
Unit price: 31.95
- 11%
In stock
Indications: nervosity, irritability, feelings of fear, emotional rigidness, feeling of dissatisfaction. - Promotes deep relaxation without diminishing...

List price:35.95
Unit price: 31.95
- 11%
In stock
Indications: - Memory problems - Difficulties of concentration - Promotes increased endurance during mental exercises - Clarifies,...

List price:35.95
Unit price: 30.95
- 14%
In stock
Indications: Allergies, colds, nasal congestion, dizziness, headache, hay fever, acute rhinitis, chronic or allergic sinusitis, acute or chronic....

List price:39.95
Unit price: 33.95
- 15%
In stock
Indications : Palpitations, forgetfulness, confused thoughts, anxiety, insomnia, restless sleep, troubling dreams, inability to fall asleep. Sweating...

List price:39.95
Unit price: 33.95
- 15%
In stock
Indications : Nephritis, nephrosclerosis, kidney stones, renal tuberculosis, pyelitis, albuminuria, edema, cystitis, chronic urethritis, prostatic...

List price:39.95
Unit price: 33.95
- 15%
In stock
Indications : Palpitations, insomnia, anxiety, poor memory, depression, pale and dull face, which may also have a slight malar redness, a slight sensation...

List price:39.95
Unit price: 33.95
- 15%
In stock
Indications : Phlegm and Dampness manifesting as chronic tracheitis, chronic bronchitis, pulmonary emphysema, goiter, chronic gastritis, peptic ulcer,...

List price:39.95
Unit price: 33.95
- 15%
In stock
Indications : Osteoarthritis, sciatica, rheumatism, rheumatoid arthritis, pain in the knees and lumbar region, stiffness in the joints, herniated discs,...

List price:39.95
Unit price: 33.95
- 15%
In stock
Indications : Chronic joint pain, rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia syndrome, polymyositis / dermatomyositis, ankylosing spondylitis, Raynaud's syndrome,...

List price:39.95
Unit price: 33.95
- 15%
In stock
Indications :functional dyspepsia, depression, chronic gastritis, peptic and duodenal ulcers, gastrointestinal discomfort and dysfunction, gastroptosis,...