Classical antecedent: Tian Wang Bu Xin Dan Heavenly Emperor Tonifying the Heart Pill.
Hot flushes (flashes), sweating, night sweating, mental restlessness, anxiety, a feeling of heat in the evening, a dry throat, dryness of the vagina, insomnia, palpitations, dream-disturbed sleep, agitation, depression, tiredness, backache, dizziness, tinnitus, dry hair, malar flush. Tongue: Red without coating, redder tip, dry, cracked, with a midline Heart crack. Pulse: Floating-empty, overflowing on the left-front position.
Heavenly Empress Menopausal problems from Kidney- and Heart-Yin deficiency
Indications in T. Chinese Medicine: Pattern: Heart and Kidney-Yin deficiency, Heart Empty-Heat. |
Dosage: 2 tablets x 2 times a day
Bottle: 60 tablets x 500mg concentration ratio of 7:1