Colds and Flu

List price:39.95
Unit price: 33.95
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Indications : Dry cough, hoarseness, dry throat, dry nose, dry skin, thirst. Can also be used to relieve the smoker's drought or as a valuable aid to the...

List price:42.95
Unit price: 35.95
- 16%
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Indications : For the temporary relief of minor discomfort and protection of irritated areas in sore mouth and sore throat, cough. Nin Jiom Pei Pa Koa...

Unit price: 18.75
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Indications: colds, flu, coughs, laryngitis, laringofaringitis, sore throats. This formula is ideal for the first symptoms of a cold or flu with...

List price:55.95
Unit price: 49.95
- 11%
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120 capsules x 5000mg. from Blue Poppy Classics Indications: External contraction of wind heat resulting in acute respiratory infections, such...

List price:25.95
Unit price: 22.95
- 12%
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The root of this plant native to China contains substances called polysaccharides that stimulate the immune system, promoting tissue regeneration, increases...

List price:55.95
Unit price: 49.95
- 11%
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120 capsules x 5000mg. from Blue Poppy Classics Indications: Phlegm and dampness manifesting as chronic tracheitis, chronic bronchitis,...

List price:55.95
Unit price: 49.95
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120 capsules x 5000mg. from Blue Poppy Classics Indications: Phlegm heat congesting the lungs manifesting as acute and chronic bronchitis and...

Unit price: 37.95
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Indications: Influenza, colds, gastroenteritis, peptic ulcer, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, colitis, food poisoning...

Glycyrrhizae: properties which facilitate the removal of mucus in upper respiratory tract, healing properties of gastric ulcers and reduces gastric secretions...

List price:55.95
Unit price: 49.95
- 11%
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120 capsules x 5000mg. from Blue Poppy Classics Indications: Common cold after several days with alternating fever and chills, dry throat, a...

Unit price: 17.54
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60 x 300mg (5:1) concentrated tablets Strengthens the immune system. This formula main herbs are Astragalus, Atractylodes and Siler,...

List price:55.95
Unit price: 49.95
- 11%
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120 capsules x 5000mg. from Blue Poppy Classics Indications: Defensive qi vacuity resulting in easy contraction of cold and allergic...

List price:78.49
Unit price: 66.95
- 15%
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Five Mushroom Formula, our flagship medicinal mushroom product, is made of 100% mushroom extracts; no simple mycelium powders or fillers have been added. The hot-water mushroom extracts are as concentrated as it is possible to manufacture while maintaining the “wholeness” of the substance. This is our best-selling formula, used primarily by practitioners as a tonification therapy for patients with serious health challenges. It can however also be used for patients who frequently suffer common colds. 

Unit price: 17.69
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Indications: Allergies, common cold, congestion of the head and/or nasal passages, dizziness, hayfever, headache, irritated, watery eyes, nasal discharge,...

Unit price: 32.95
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Indications: Propensity to catching colds, tiredness, feeling cold, depression, frequent-pale urination, cold limbs, slight shortness of breath,...

Unit price: 32.95
In stock
Indications: Propensity to catching colds, lower backache, night-sweating, feeling of heat in the evening, tiredness, poor appetite, weak voice,...

Unit price: 32.95
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Classical antecendent: Er Chen Tang (Two Old Decoction). Indications: Cough with abundant sputum, catarrh in the chest, nose or throat,...

Unit price: 32.95
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Pediatric formula 60 ml  (10:1 extract) Liquid Western Symptomology :    Common cold or flu with sore throat Chinese...

Unit price: 31.55
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Pediatric Formula "Little Treasures" by Giovanni Maciocia Indications: Productive cough following an invasion of Wind (i.e. a common cold,...

Unit price: 31.95
Sold Out
Pediatric Formula "Little Treasures" by Giovanni Maciocia Indications: Aversion to cold, shivers, fever (or forehead hot to the touch),...