Blue Poppy Jade Herbal Pediatric Formulas External Use Three Treasures Women's TreasureFormulas by Energetics
Indications: Influenza, colds, gastroenteritis, peptic ulcer, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, colitis, food poisoning...
Glycyrrhizae: properties which facilitate the removal of mucus in upper respiratory tract, healing properties of gastric ulcers and reduces gastric secretions...
Five Mushroom Formula, our flagship medicinal mushroom product, is made of 100% mushroom extracts; no simple mycelium powders or fillers have been added. The hot-water mushroom extracts are as concentrated as it is possible to manufacture while maintaining the “wholeness” of the substance. This is our best-selling formula, used primarily by practitioners as a tonification therapy for patients with serious health challenges. It can however also be used for patients who frequently suffer common colds.