Giovanni Maciocia

Giovanni MaciociaGiovanni Maciocia will allways be one of the most highly respected practitioners of acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine in Europe.

In 1995, Giovanni Maciocia produced 38 herbal formulae, the Three Treasures, for the treatment of common complaints. These formulae represent the culmination of his many years of research and clinical practice. In 1996 he produced 26 formulae for gynaecological complaints (the Women's Treasure), the first line of Chinese herbal formulae dedicated exclusively to women's problems.

In 2000, Giovanni created seven new formulae to add to the Three Treasures range and one new Women's Treasure formula. These formulas can be found in a Liquid Extract form. Recently, he formulated the "Little Treasures", Pediatric formulas for the modern children.

Unit price: 31.55
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Pediatric Formula "Little Treasures" by Giovanni Maciocia Indications: Chronic allergic asthma, breathlessness, wheezing, history of eczema as a...

Unit price: 32.95
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Indications: Impotence, premature ejaculation, decreased libido, decreased sexual function, frigidity, insomnia, depression, backache, urinary...

Unit price: 31.55
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Pediatric Formula "Little Treasures" by Giovanni Maciocia Indications: Productive cough following an invasion of Wind (i.e. a common cold,...

Unit price: 31.95
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Pediatric Formula "Little Treasures" by Giovanni Maciocia Indications: Chronic eczema from Damp-Heat, non-eczematous dermatitis with red papules,...

Unit price: 32.95
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Classical antecedent: Wen Dan Tang Warming the Gall-Bladder Decoction Indications: Premenstrual tension, irritability, anxiety, agitation,...

Unit price: 32.95
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Chronic headaches from Liver-Yang rising and Liver-Blood deficiency   Pattern:  Liver-Blood deficiency, causing...

Unit price: 31.55
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Pediatric Formula "Little Treasures" by Giovanni Maciocia Indications: Nocturnal enuresis, slightly weak and quiet child, possibly short-sighted,...

Unit price: 31.95
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Pediatric Formula "Little Treasures" by Giovanni Maciocia Indications: Chronic ear ache, 'glue ear', slight deafness, irritability,...

Unit price: 32.95
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Indications: Chronic Painful Obstruction Syndrome, chronic joint pain with swelling of the joints and bone deformities, rigidity of joints,...

Unit price: 32.95
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To resolve Damp-Phlegm from the uterus in infertility Classical antecedent: Qi Gong Wan Arousing the Uterus Pill). Indications:...

Unit price: 31.55
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Pediatric Formula "Little Treasures" by Giovanni Maciocia Indications: Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in children:...

Unit price: 32.95
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Classical antecedent: Qing Re Zhi Beng Tang Clearing Heat and Arresting Flooding Decoction. Indications: Heavy menstrual bleeding that...

Unit price: 32.95
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Classical antecedent: Chai Hu Shu Gan Tang (Bupleurum Soothing the Liver Decoction) Indications: Epigastric or abdominal distension and pain...

Unit price: 31.55
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Pediatric Formula "Little Treasures" by Giovanni Maciocia Indications: Catarrh, nasal voice, swollen adenoids, swollen and inflamed...

Unit price: 32.95
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Classical antecedent: Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang Tonifying the Centre and Benefiting Qi Decoction. Indications: Mental depression, tiredness,...

Unit price: 31.95
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Pediatric Formula "Little Treasures" by Giovanni Maciocia Indications: Disturbed sleep, difficulty in falling asleep, waking up during...

Unit price: 31.95
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Pediatric Formula "Little Treasures" by Giovanni Maciocia Indications: Aversion to cold, shivers, fever (or forehead hot to the touch),...

Unit price: 32.95
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Indications: Depression, moodiness, indecision, a feeling or aimlessness, confusion about one's life dreams and goals, digestive disorders with...

Unit price: 32.95
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Classical antecedent: Bi Xie Shen Shi Tang / Bi Xie Fen Qing Tang / Si Miao San Indications : Candidiasis, vaginal itching and redness,...

Unit price: 32.95
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Chronic headaches from Liver-Yang rising and Liver-Blood deficiency Indications:   Dull headaches from Liver-Blood deficiency,...

Unit price: 32.95
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Indications: Chronic soreness and slight swelling of the joints, dizziness, numbness or tingling of limbs, poor memory, insomnia, dry skin and...

Unit price: 32.95
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Ease the Journey – Yang Menopausal problems with Kidney-Yang deficiency  ...

Unit price: 32.95
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(To minimize the side-effects of chemotherapy) Indications:  ...

Unit price: 32.95
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    Ease the Journey – Yin Menopausal problems with Kidney-Yin deficiency...

Unit price: 32.95
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Classical antecedent: Ban Xia Bai Zhu Tian Ma Tang (Pinellia-Atractylodes-Gastrodia Decoction) Indications: Headaches which may be...

Unit price: 32.95
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Classical antecedent:   Kun Bao Tang   Female Treasure Decoction  and Qi Ju Di Huang Wan  ...

Unit price: 32.95
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Depression and anxiety from Heart-Blood deficiency Classical antecedent: Gui Pi Tang (Tonifying the Spleen Decoction). Indications:...

Unit price: 32.95
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Classical antecedent: Yue Ju Wan Ligusticum-Gardenia Pill. Indications: Premenstrual tension, irritability, propensity to outbursts of...

Unit price: 32.95
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Antecedente Clásico: Gui Shao Di Huang Tang Indications: Moderate premenstrual tension, irritability, depression, tendency to crying,...

Unit price: 32.95
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Classical antecedent: Shen Ling Bai Zhu San (Ginseng-Poria-Atractylodes Powder) Indications:   Loose stools, diarrhoea, poor appetite,...

Unit price: 32.95
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Classical antecedent: Xiao Yao San Free and Easy Wanderer Powder . Indications: Premenstrual tension, irritability, depression, crying,...

Unit price: 32.95
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Classical antecedet: Yi Yi Ren Tang (Semen Coicis Decoction) Indications: Sub-acute Painful Obstruction Syndrome (Bi) from Damp-Heat,...

Unit price: 32.95
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Classical antecedent: Yang Jing Zhong Yu Tang Nourishing the Essence and Growing Jade Decoction. Indications: Infertility, a history of...

Unit price: 32.95
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Indications: Skin rashes, skin spots, eczema, dermatitis, rosacea .   Indications in Chinese Medicine: Pattern:...

Unit price: 32.95
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Classical antecedent: Gui Zhi Fu Ling Tang Indications: Abdominal masses, painful periods, heavy periods.   Indications in...

Unit price: 32.95
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Classical antecedent: Su Zi Jiang Qi Tang (Perilla-Seed Descending Qi Decoction). Indications:   Cough, wheezing, breathlessness, a...

Unit price: 32.95
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Classical antecedent: Tian Wang Bu Xin Dan Heavenly Emperor Tonifying the Heart Pill. Indications: Hot flushes (flashes), sweating, night...

Unit price: 32.95
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Indications: Chronic prostatitis, prostatic hypertrophy (benign or malignant), difficult urination, frequent-scanty urination, nocturia,...

Unit price: 32.95
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Classical antecedent: Zuo Gui Wan, Er Zhi Wan, Liang Di Tang Indications: Heavy menstrual bleeding during the period itself and not so much...

Unit price: 32.95
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Indications: Hypogastric distension, lower abdominal pain, fullness and distension, umbilical fullness, epigastric fullness and distension,...

Unit price: 32.95
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Classical antecedent: Wen Dan Tang (Warming the Gall-Bladder Decoction) Indications: Anxiety, a feeling of oppression of the chest and...

Unit price: 32.95
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Classical antecedent: Bu Shen Gu Chong Wan Tonifying the Kidneys and Consolidating the Penetrating Vessel Pill. Indications: Recurrent...

Unit price: 32.95
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Classical antecedent: Long Dan Xie Gan Tang (Gentiana Draining the Liver Decoction). Indications: Headaches, irritability, propensity to...

Unit price: 32.95
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Classical antecedent: Yi Mu Ba Zhen Tang Leonorus Eight Precious Decoction. Indications: Tiredness, debility, weariness, depression, loose...

Unit price: 32.95
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Classical antecedent: Gu Ben Zhi Beng Tang Consolidating the Root and Stopping Flooding Decoction and Yi Qi Gu Chong Tang Benefiting Qi and Consolidating...

Unit price: 32.95
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Classical antecedent: Ge Xia Zhu Yu Tang (Decoction for Eliminating Stasis below the Diaphragm). Indications: Lower abdominal pain which...

Unit price: 32.95
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Indications: Carbuncles, pustules, acute attack of herpes simplex or zoster, acute attack of genital herpes, acute tonsillitis with purulent...

Unit price: 32.95
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Indications: Infertility, backache, dizziness, tinnitus, feeling cold, a history of amenorrhoea or scanty periods, irregular periods, frequent pale...

Unit price: 32.95
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Classical antecedent: Dan Zhi Xiao Yao San Moutan-Gardenia Free and Easy Wanderer Powder Indications: Anxiety, worry, depression,...

Unit price: 32.95
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Indications: Sallow complexion without "shen", dry skin, dry rashes, skin spots, itching, dry hair and nails.   Indications in...

Unit price: 32.95
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Indications: Type II Diabetes, poor appetite, poor digestion, obesity, epigastric distension and fullness, tiredness... Indications in...

Unit price: 32.95
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Indications: Propensity to catching colds, tiredness, feeling cold, depression, frequent-pale urination, cold limbs, slight shortness of breath,...

Unit price: 32.95
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Indications: Propensity to catching colds, lower backache, night-sweating, feeling of heat in the evening, tiredness, poor appetite, weak voice,...

Unit price: 32.95
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Classical antecedent: Ai Fu Nuan Gong Wan, Artemisia-Cyperus Warming the Uterus Pill and Ju He Wan Semen Citri Pill. Indications:...

Unit price: 32.95
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Classical antecedent: Wen Jing Tang Warming the Menses Decoction.   Indications: Very painful periods with pain of a spastic...

Unit price: 32.95
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Indications: Allergic rhinitis, chronic sinusitis (secondary to rhinitis), sneezing, runny nose with a clear-watery discharge, itchy eyes and...

Unit price: 32.95
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Classical antecedent: Sha Shen Mai Dong Tang Indications: Excessive hunger, dry mouth, desire to drink in small sips, dry lips, tiredness,...

Unit price: 32.95
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Classical antecendent: Er Chen Tang (Two Old Decoction). Indications: Cough with abundant sputum, catarrh in the chest, nose or throat,...

Unit price: 32.95
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Classical antecedent: Zuo Gui Wan (Restoring the Left [Kidney] Pill). Indications: Dizziness, tinnitus, sore back and legs, night-sweating, dry...

Unit price: 32.95
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Indications: Lower backache, knee-ache, sciatica, ache in joints, dizziness, tinnitus, night-sweating, diminished sexual performance or desire, poor...

Unit price: 32.95
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Classical antecedent: Suan Zao Ren Tang Ziziphus Decoction. Indications: Insomnia, anxiety, mental restlessness, agitation, feeling...

Unit price: 32.95
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Classical antecedent: Ban Xia Hou Po Tang (Pinellia-Magnolia Decoction) Indications: A feeling of tightness and oppression of the chest...

Unit price: 32.95
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Classical antecedent: Liu Jun Zi Tang Six Gentlemen Decoction. Indications: Poor digestion, tiredness, slight abdominal distension and...

Unit price: 32.95
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(To minimize the side-effects of radiotherapy) Indications : Side-effects of radiotherapy - local necrosis, pain,...

Unit price: 32.95
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Classical antecedet: Xue Fu Zhu Yu Tang Indications: Chest pain, headaches, feeling of heat in the chest, palpitations, anxiety, agitation,...

Unit price: 32.95
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Classical antecedent: Yue Ju Wan (Ligusticum-Gardenia Pill) Indications: Mental depression, pent-up anger, resentment or frustration over...

Unit price: 32.95
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Classical antecedent: Yin Mei Tang (Attracting Sleep Decoction) Indications: Insomnia (either difficulty in falling asleep or wakefulness...

Unit price: 32.95
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Indications: Depression, lack of sense of direction, mental confusion, confusion about one's goals, relationship problems, dependance on other...

Unit price: 32.95
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Classical antecedent: Bi Xie Fen Qing Yin (Dioscorea Separating the Clear Decoction) Indications: Chronic urinary difficulty (often...

Unit price: 32.95
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Indications: Alternation of constipation and diarrhoea, abdominal pain, fullness and distension, stools at times like small pellets and at other...

Unit price: 32.95
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Classical antecedent: Xiang Sha Liu Jun Zi Tang (Saussurea-Amomum Six Gentlemen Decotion) Indications: Poor appetite, tiredness, feeling...

Unit price: 32.95
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Classical antecedent:  You Gui Wan ( Restoring the Right [Kidney] Pill ).   Indications:  ...

Unit price: 32.95
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Classical antecedent: Zhi Bo Di Huang Wan Anemarrhena-Phellodendron-Rehmannia Pill. Indications: Frequency of urination, difficult...

Unit price: 32.95
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Indications:  Sinusitis, facial pain, nasal discharge which is yellow and thick or even purulent, blocked nose, loss of smell, frontal...