Giovanni Maciocia

Giovanni MaciociaGiovanni Maciocia will allways be one of the most highly respected practitioners of acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine in Europe.

In 1995, Giovanni Maciocia produced 38 herbal formulae, the Three Treasures, for the treatment of common complaints. These formulae represent the culmination of his many years of research and clinical practice. In 1996 he produced 26 formulae for gynaecological complaints (the Women's Treasure), the first line of Chinese herbal formulae dedicated exclusively to women's problems.

In 2000, Giovanni created seven new formulae to add to the Three Treasures range and one new Women's Treasure formula. These formulas can be found in a Liquid Extract form. Recently, he formulated the "Little Treasures", Pediatric formulas for the modern children.

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Indications: Type II Diabetes, poor appetite, poor digestion, obesity, epigastric distension and fullness, tiredness... Indications in...

Unit price: 32.85
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Indications: Propensity to catching colds, tiredness, feeling cold, depression, frequent-pale urination, cold limbs, slight shortness of breath,...

Unit price: 32.85
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Indications: Propensity to catching colds, lower backache, night-sweating, feeling of heat in the evening, tiredness, poor appetite, weak voice,...

Unit price: 32.85
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Classical antecedent: Ai Fu Nuan Gong Wan, Artemisia-Cyperus Warming the Uterus Pill and Ju He Wan Semen Citri Pill. Indications:...

Unit price: 32.85
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Classical antecedent: Wen Jing Tang Warming the Menses Decoction.   Indications: Very painful periods with pain of a spastic...

Unit price: 32.85
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Indications: Allergic rhinitis, chronic sinusitis (secondary to rhinitis), sneezing, runny nose with a clear-watery discharge, itchy eyes and...

Unit price: 32.85
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Classical antecedent: Sha Shen Mai Dong Tang Indications: Excessive hunger, dry mouth, desire to drink in small sips, dry lips, tiredness,...

Unit price: 32.85
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Classical antecendent: Er Chen Tang (Two Old Decoction). Indications: Cough with abundant sputum, catarrh in the chest, nose or throat,...

Unit price: 32.85
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Classical antecedent: Zuo Gui Wan (Restoring the Left [Kidney] Pill). Indications: Dizziness, tinnitus, sore back and legs, night-sweating, dry...

Unit price: 32.85
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Indications: Lower backache, knee-ache, sciatica, ache in joints, dizziness, tinnitus, night-sweating, diminished sexual performance or desire, poor...

Unit price: 32.85
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Classical antecedent: Suan Zao Ren Tang Ziziphus Decoction. Indications: Insomnia, anxiety, mental restlessness, agitation, feeling...

Unit price: 32.85
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Classical antecedent: Ban Xia Hou Po Tang (Pinellia-Magnolia Decoction) Indications: A feeling of tightness and oppression of the chest...