Giovanni Maciocia

Giovanni MaciociaGiovanni Maciocia will allways be one of the most highly respected practitioners of acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine in Europe.

In 1995, Giovanni Maciocia produced 38 herbal formulae, the Three Treasures, for the treatment of common complaints. These formulae represent the culmination of his many years of research and clinical practice. In 1996 he produced 26 formulae for gynaecological complaints (the Women's Treasure), the first line of Chinese herbal formulae dedicated exclusively to women's problems.

In 2000, Giovanni created seven new formulae to add to the Three Treasures range and one new Women's Treasure formula. These formulas can be found in a Liquid Extract form. Recently, he formulated the "Little Treasures", Pediatric formulas for the modern children.

Unit price: 32.85
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Classical antecedent:   Kun Bao Tang   Female Treasure Decoction  and Qi Ju Di Huang Wan  ...

Unit price: 32.85
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Depression and anxiety from Heart-Blood deficiency Classical antecedent: Gui Pi Tang (Tonifying the Spleen Decoction). Indications:...

Unit price: 32.85
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Classical antecedent: Yue Ju Wan Ligusticum-Gardenia Pill. Indications: Premenstrual tension, irritability, propensity to outbursts of...

Unit price: 32.85
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Antecedente Clásico: Gui Shao Di Huang Tang Indications: Moderate premenstrual tension, irritability, depression, tendency to crying,...

Unit price: 32.85
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Classical antecedent: Shen Ling Bai Zhu San (Ginseng-Poria-Atractylodes Powder) Indications:   Loose stools, diarrhoea, poor appetite,...

Unit price: 32.85
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Classical antecedent: Xiao Yao San Free and Easy Wanderer Powder . Indications: Premenstrual tension, irritability, depression, crying,...

Unit price: 32.85
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Classical antecedet: Yi Yi Ren Tang (Semen Coicis Decoction) Indications: Sub-acute Painful Obstruction Syndrome (Bi) from Damp-Heat,...

Unit price: 32.85
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Classical antecedent: Yang Jing Zhong Yu Tang Nourishing the Essence and Growing Jade Decoction. Indications: Infertility, a history of...

Unit price: 32.85
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Indications: Skin rashes, skin spots, eczema, dermatitis, rosacea .   Indications in Chinese Medicine: Pattern:...

Unit price: 32.85
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Classical antecedent: Gui Zhi Fu Ling Tang Indications: Abdominal masses, painful periods, heavy periods.   Indications in...

Unit price: 32.85
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Classical antecedent: Su Zi Jiang Qi Tang (Perilla-Seed Descending Qi Decoction). Indications:   Cough, wheezing, breathlessness, a...

Unit price: 32.85
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Classical antecedent: Tian Wang Bu Xin Dan Heavenly Emperor Tonifying the Heart Pill. Indications: Hot flushes (flashes), sweating, night...