Warm the Menses is a variation of the well-known classical prescription Wen Jing Tang Warming the Menses Decoction by Zhang Zhong Jing (AD 150-219) from his book Jin Gui Yao Lue (Essential Prescriptions of the Golden Cabinet).
The original prescription is as follows:
Wu Zhu Yu Fructus Evodiae rutaecarpae
Gui Zhi Ramulus Cinnamomi cassiae
Dang Gui Radix Angelicae sinensis
Chuan Xiong Rhizoma Chuanxiong
Bai Shao Radix Paeoniae alba
E Jiao Gelatinum Corii Asini
Mai Men Dong Tuber Ophiopogonis
Mu Dan Pi Cortex Moutan radicis
Ren Shen Radix Ginseng
Ban Xia Rhizoma Pinelliae preparatum
Gan Cao Radix Glycyrrhizae uralensis
Sheng Jiang Rhizoma Zingiberis officinalis recens
The rationale behind it is as follows. When Cold obstructs the Uterus, it makes Blood stagnate. When Blood stagnates, new Blood has nowhere to go and it cannot be contained in the Uterus: this induces a deficiency of Blood.
A long-standing Blood deficiency may give rise to some Empty Heat signs, which may mistakenly be interpreted as Heat signs; but the Pale-Purple colour of the tongue clearly indicates that this is not so. In fact, the original text refers to a parched mouth and lips as the symptoms of Empty Heat from Blood deficiency.
When used for its proper pattern of long-standing internal Cold occurring against a background of Deficiency and leading to stasis of Blood, this formula is very effective. An essential sign for its use is that the tongue-body colour be Pale or Bluish-Purple.
- Wu Zhu Yu, Gui Zhi and Sheng Jiang warm the Uterus and expel Cold.
- Dang Gui, Chuan Xiong and Bai Shao nourish and invigorate Blood, which is necessary because the obstruction of the Uterus by Cold prevents new Blood from taking its proper place there.
- Ren Shen tonifies Qi to nourish Blood.
- Mai Men Dong and E Jiao nourish Blood and Yin.
- Mu Dan Pi clears any Empty Heat which might arise from Blood deficiency.
- Ban Xia harmonizes the Uterus via the Stomach channel to which it is connected through the Chong Mai.
- Gan Cao harmonizes.The following are the ingredients of Warm the Menses:
Wu Zhu Yu Fructus Evodiae
Gui Zhi Ramulus Cinnamomi cassiae
Rou Gui Cortex Cinnamomi
Dang Gui Radix Angelicae sinensis
Chuan Xiong Rhizoma Chuanxiong
Bai Shao Radix Paeoniae alba
Dang Shen Radix Codonopsis
Mai Men Dong Radix Ophiopogonis
Mu Dan Pi Cortex Moutan radicis
Ban Xia Rhizoma Pinelliae preparatum
Zhi Gan Cao Radix Glycyrrhizae uralensis preparata
Shu Di Huang Radix Rehmanniae preparata
Yan Hu Suo Rhizoma Corydalis
Wu Yao Radix Linderae
Yi Mu Cao Herba Leonuri
Du Zhong Cortex Eucommiae ulmoidis
Patterns: Stagnation of Cold in the Uterus, stasis of Blood, Blood deficiency, Kidney-Yang deficiency.
Actions: Expel Cold, warm the Uterus, invigorate Blood, eliminate stasis, nourish Blood, tonify and warm Kidney-Yang.
Indications: very painful periods with pain of a spastic character that is alleviated by the application of heat (such as a hot-water bottle), red or dark menstrual blood with small, dark clots, a pronounced feeling of cold that is aggravated during the period, late periods, irregular periods, infertility from Cold obstructing the uterus, bright-pale complexion, weariness, tiredness, backache, frequent pale urination, occasionally a slight feeling of heat in the face and a dry mouth or lips.
Tongue: Pale, wet.
Pulse: Deep, Tight, slow.
IN A NUTSHELL: expel Cold from the Uterus, invigorate Blood, nourish Blood, tonify Kidney-Yang. The two main indications for this remedy are painful periods and infertility from Cold in the uterus.
The main differences from its classical antecedent are that it tonifies Kidney-Yang and it invigorates Blood.
By Giovanni Maciocia