Five Mushroom formula (People’s Herbs) 100 caps.x 3500 mg

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100% Certified Organic by "People's Herbs"

Five Mushroom Formula, our flagship medicinal mushroom product, is made of 100% mushroom extracts; no simple mycelium powders or fillers have been added. The hot-water mushroom extracts are as concentrated as it is possible to manufacture while maintaining the “wholeness” of the substance. This is our best-selling formula, used primarily by practitioners as a tonification therapy for patients with serious health challenges. It can however also be used for patients who frequently suffer common colds.  

Many different varieties of mushrooms of course enjoy a long history of use in the cuisine of countries around the world, not just in East Asia.
They are appreciated throughout Europe and are highly esteemed in Russia. Everywhere traditional cultures have learned to value the inclusion in the diet of many of these fungi. Often research science has been able, at least in a preliminary manner, to validate these traditional claims.

Let’s take a brief look at the traditional and modern uses of these five mushrooms:
1) Coriolus aka Trametes versicolor (yun zhi): Turkey tail is the common name of this delicious mushroom. The Japanese call it Kawaratake, meaning “mushroom by the river;” the Chinese yun zhi means “cloud mushroom.” Two particular fractions, PSP and PSK, have been well studied for their health effects. The whole fungus also has a long history of use.  In TCM it is considered to drain dampness, reduce phlegm, heal lung disorders, and strengthen one’s root vitality.   
 2) Cordyceps sinensis (dong chong xia cao): Also known as “caterpillar fungus.” Cordyceps  sinensis was first written about in the Tang Dynasty, though its use likely stretches back much further into history than that. It is best thought of as a deep restorative tonic with a particular ability to strengthen kidney and lung function. As a result it is indicated in cases of asthma, lowered vitality, flagging sexual energy, kidney disease, hepatitis B, arrhythmia, and hyperlipidemia. Because it improves the oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood, athletes use it to improve their training and performance. Cordyceps is exceedingly safe; in fact no dose, even absurdly high ones, could be found to cause harm to test animals.

 3) Grifola frondosa (hui shu hua): Maitake in Japanese means “dancing mushrooms.” It is used in Japan to reduce blood lipid levels and to moderate the side-effects of chemotherapy. It is also shown to have a demonstrated antitumor effect. In animal studies of genetically diabetic rats it demonstrated a blood glucose lowering action.
 4) Ganoderma lucidum (ling zhi):  Known in Japan as reishi mushroom, this fungus has a very long history of use as a shen (spirit) tonic. The Chinese name in fact focuses on this: Ling zhi could be translated as “spirit plant.” In the Ben Cao Gang Mu from over 400 years ago ling zhi is proposed as a substance to prolong life if consumed regularly. Some modern research has focused on cardiotonic and hepatoprotective properties. Anti-Allergic, antioxidant, analgesic, anti-fungus, anti-inflammatory, antitumor, antiviral, Antidiabetic agents, prevention of cardiovascular disease and bronchitis.

 5) Shiitake Lentinula edodes (xiang gu aka hua gu):  Shiitake has been cultivated since ancient times, but is also indigenous in the wild in Japan, China, and other temperate Asian countries. Shiitake is considered to be hepatoprotective, to lower blood lipids, to lower blood pressure, and to elevate depressed immune function. It also appears to be helpful in cases of urinary incontinence and bronchial inflammation.


Each Capsule Contains:
125mg Coriolus mushroom extract     (Coriolus versicolor fruiting body / 15% polysaccharides)
125mg Cordyceps mushroom extract     (Cordyceps sinsensis mycelium / 40% polysaccharides)
100mg Maitake mushroom extract     (Grifola frondosa fruiting body / 20% polysaccharides)
75mg Reishi mushroom extract     (Ganoderma lucidum fruiting body)     (10% polysaccharides)
75mg Shiitake mushroom extract     (Lentinula edodes fruiting body / 6% polysaccharides)

Suggested Use: 2 - 3 capsules 2 times per day.  It may be appropriate for some patients to use a higher dose, even a much higher dose.

Package: 100 x 3500mg. capsules (500mg. x 7:1 concentration ratio)

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