
List price:29.95
Unit price: 26.95
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Benefits: Decreases the level of blood sugar to control diabetes Lowers blood pressure (effective for the control of hypertension) ;...

List price:39.95
Unit price: 33.95
- 15%
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Indications :functional dyspepsia, depression, chronic gastritis, peptic and duodenal ulcers, gastrointestinal discomfort and dysfunction, gastroptosis,...

List price:43.95
Unit price: 35.95
- 18%
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60 capsules x 5000mg. from Blue Poppy Originals Indications: Diabetes mellitus, high cholesterol, obesity, and high blood pressure. ...

List price:39.95
Unit price: 33.95
- 15%
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Indications : Diabetes mellitus, chronic nephritis, chronic urinary tract infections, chronic leukorrhea, permenopausal and menopausal syndrome, chronic...

List price:55.95
Unit price: 49.95
- 11%
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Zhi Pai Di Huang Wan - Zhi Bai Di Huang Wan 120 capsules x 5000mg. (500mg. concentration ratio 10:1) from Blue Poppy Classics...

Unit price: 17.58
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  Indications: Increases energy levels and strength of the immune system. Also suitable for sexual dysfunctions such as premature...

Unit price: 37.95
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Zhi Pai Di Huang Wan - Zhi Bai Di Huang Wan Indications: Diabetes mellitus, chronic nephritis, chronic urinary tract infections, chronic...

List price:55.95
Unit price: 49.95
- 11%
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120 capsules x 5000mg. from Blue Poppy Classics Indications: Premature ejaculation, impotence, fatigue, lack of appetite, diabetes,...

Unit price: 17.95
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Indications : Nephritis, nephrosclerosis, kidney stones, kidney tuberculosis, pyelitis, albuminuria, edema, cystitis, chronic urethritis, prostatic...

List price:24.95
Unit price: 19.98
- 20%
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Cutting-edge science is showing that curcumin is one of the most powerful, natural anti-inflammatories ever studied. Curcumin is so effective because it is...

List price:39.95
Unit price: 33.95
- 15%
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Indications : Nephritis, nephrosclerosis, kidney stones, renal tuberculosis, pyelitis, albuminuria, edema, cystitis, chronic urethritis, prostatic...

Unit price: 32.95
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Indications: Type II Diabetes, poor appetite, poor digestion, obesity, epigastric distension and fullness, tiredness... Indications in...

Unit price: 32.95
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Classical antecedent: Sha Shen Mai Dong Tang Indications: Excessive hunger, dry mouth, desire to drink in small sips, dry lips, tiredness,...

Unit price: 17.74
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60 tablets x 300 mg concentrated 5:1 Indications: Premature ejaculation, impotence, urinary incontinence, sterility, diabetes, osteoporosis,...

List price:55.95
Unit price: 49.95
- 11%
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120 capsules x 5000mg. from Blue Poppy Classics Indications: Diabetes mellitus, optic neuritis, central retinitis, optic nerve atrophy,...

Unit price: 17.74
In stock
Indications: Premature ejaculation, impotence, infertility, diabetes, irregular menses, absent menstruation, hyperthyroidism, Addison's disease,...

List price:27.95
Unit price: 24.98
- 11%
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With over 150 antioxidants and phytonutrients, is above any fungus, plant or herb, becoming almost nutritional perfection that can be found in nature ......

List price:25.95
Unit price: 22.95
- 12%
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The root of this plant native to China contains substances called polysaccharides that stimulate the immune system, promoting tissue regeneration, increases...